Hoya index page
Message from Apodagis: Surisa is on Blacklist.
The Hoya Club of Thailand (HCT) on Facebook.
Open group. Anyone from any country can join.
Allow to use any language. I am the creater of HCT.
My Facebook : facebook.com/apodagis
ขอเชิญเข้ามาจอยโฮย่่าคลับ HCT ใน Facebook ได้ครับ
Background image: Hoya hanhiae AP1122
If you are interested in trade/swap Hoyas or using photos on this web, please contact me either by e-mail or Facebook .
Hoya species and cultivars (โฮย่าพันธุ์แท้) Hoya species page 1 (A to B) also H. manipurensis or Micholitzia obcordata. Hoya species page 2 (C to E) Hoya species page 3 (F to G) Hoya species page 4 (H to K) Hoya species page 5 (L to M) Hoya species page 6 (N to O) Hoya species page 7 (P to R) Hoya species page 8 (S to Z) Hoya alagensis complex (Set to private) Hoya bella complex (Set to private) Hoya campanulata complex (Set to private) Hoya imbricata complex (Set to private) Unknown Hoyas (โฮย่าที่ไม่รู้ชื่อ หรือ ที่มา) Unknown Hoya page 2 (sp. 1 to sp. 50) Unknown Hoya page 3 (sp. 51 to sp. 100) Unknown Hoya page 4 (sp. 101 to sp. 150)Unknown Hoya page 5 (sp. 151 to sp. 200) Hoya hybrids Hoyas in Eriostemma sectionThai native Hoyas
โฮย่าที่พบในประเทศไทยMy Hoya collection is a self-funded project. I grow and collect Hoyas crazily. I have a lot of fun with Hoya friends around the world. Thanks for many people to support and help me for information and live specimens.
An article about Thai Hoya written by Uthai Treesukhon was published in Nature Explorer Magazine, Vol.124 October 2010. This article is in Thai (2 pages). You may download the PDF file from this link: download Utai is a Hoya collector. His Hoyas are the ones begin with UT prefix on my web.
คุณเปรี้ี้ยวปี้ด (อุทัย ตรีสุคนธ์) ได้เขียนเรื่อง โฮย่า ในหนังสือ Nature Explorer ฉบับที่124 สิงหาคม 2553 มี 2 หน้า ดาวโหลดได้เลยครับ
My main purpose is to collect Hoyas, not to sell; however, I sell some of my Hoyas. If you are interested in, contact me for current grow list. It is possible to trade/swap.
I don't recommend you to inquire for Hoya prices, buy, trade, or do anything on behalf of Surisa (Thailand Hoya Club) both actual and imply. Your name will be on my blacklist permanently if I fell that. Do not play game. Do not inquire on behalf of someone. He/she may be on my blacklist.
Contact me (Sutthisak): cryptocoryne@hotmail.com and/or apodagis@gmail.com
Download Stemma.
Stemma is an electronic journal dedicated to Hoya and Dischidia, not available in print. Mark Randal has been busy for non-hoya project, so Stemma is discontinued.
The last issue is Autumn, 2009.
Volume 3, Issue #4, Autumn, 2009 18.3MB Volume 3, Issue #3, Summer, 2009 2.85MB Volume 3, Issue #2, Spring, 2009 2.96MB Volume 3, Issue #1, Winter, 2009 1.33MB Volume 2, Issue #4, Fall, 2008 1.91MB Volume 2, Issue #3, Summer, 2008 4.48 MB Volume 2, Issue #2, Spring, 2008 4.24 MB Volume 2, Issue #1, Winter, 2008 2.21 MB Volume 1, Issue #4, Autumn, 2007 1.97 MB Volume 1, Issue #3, Summer, 2007 1.54 MB 1.43 MB Volume 1, Issue #1, Winter, 2007 584 KB
Adobe reader is required to view pdf files. Download from http.://get.adobe.com/reader/
Links related to Hoyas
Hoya names abbreviations acronyms: http://www.cafeduweb.com/Hoyas/Hoya%20names%20abbreviations%20acronyms.html