Hoya maingayi Hook. f.
Republished as Hoya peninsularis
(Other name Hoya wrayi. Gongronema wrayi)

Cameron highlands, Malaysia

This one is not the clone Lata Iskandar.

Hoya maingayi Hook. f.

     Quite glabrous leaves 7-8 in. elliptic-lanceolate or oblanceolate finely acuminate very thick nerves reticulate distinct very oblique, peduncles very short thick, pedicels longer, sepal small obtuse, coronal-processes longer than the villous corolla-tube.

Malacca, Maingay (Kew Distrib. 1136).
Stem stout. Leaves 2½-3½ in., very thick. Peduncle ⅓-1 in. thickened and scarred; pedicels 1 in. Corolla ½-¾ in. diam., pale pink, lobe short, obtuse. Coronal-processes ovate, acute, narrow end outwards, above concave with a mesial ridge, inner angle apiculate shorter than the anther-tip.

Flora of British India Vol.4 - 1885, J.D. Hooker. P.62


Hoya maingayi Hook. fil. F.B.I. iv. 62.

     A stout species. Leaves fleshy very thick elliptic-lanceolate acuminate, narrowed to both ends; nerves slender 5 pairs visible when dry; 7 to 9 in. long. 2.5 to 3.5 in. wide; petiole 0.3 to 1 in. long thick. Rachis short; petiole 0.5 to 1 in. long, very slender. Flowers 0.5 to 0.75 in. across, pale pinkish white. Corolla-lobes triangula, villous. Corona lower lobes ovate acute white. Hab. Malacca (Maingay). Perak (Scortechini). Rare and little known.

Contribution to the Flora of Siam - 1922. P.396

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