Hoya campanulata AP1208
Peninsular Malaysia
See also Hoya campanulata complex

Physostelma campanulatum (BL) Decne

     Inflorescence between the leaves of the topmost pair of leaves or of a lower pair (in the former case seemingly terminal), on a 1-20 mm long peduncel, 5-30-flowered; pedicels thin, 3-5 cm; calyx-segments patent, ovate, obtuse, ½-2 mm long; corolla yellowish, usually tinged with violet outside, 12-17 mm long, 20-28 mm wide; corona waxy, 12-13 mm diam.; segments upcurved, narrow, yellowish white, with a violet inner angle; follicles 13-14 cm long; seeds much narrowed towards both ends. c. ½ cm long; coma 4-5cm. Leaves oblong, from an acute, obtuse, or rounded base, acutely acuminate, 6½-15 cm by 2½-6½ cm, midrib and nerves distinct; petiole 4-8 mm. 3.00-10.00; I-XII; W.-half; 700-1000; forest-borders. river-banks.

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